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Should a policyholder wish to file a complaint relative to a policy with Lloyd’s underwriters the following “Complaint Protocol” is provided;


Lloyd’s strives to enhance your customer experience with us through superior service and innovative insurance products.

We have developed a formal complaint handling protocol in accordance with the Insurance Companies Act of Canada to ensure your concerns as our valued customer are addressed expeditiously by our representatives. This protocol will assist you in understanding the steps we will undertake to help resolve any dispute which may arise with our product or service. All complaints will be handled in a professional manner. All complaints will be investigated, acted upon, and responded to in writing or by telephone by a Lloyd’s representative promptly after the receipt of the complaint. If you are not satisfied with our products or services, you can take the following steps to address the issue:

– Firstly, please contact the broker who arranged the insurance on your behalf about your concerns so that he or she may have the opportunity to help resolve the situation.

– If your broker is unable to help resolve your concerns, we ask that you provide us in writing an outline of your complaint along with the name of your broker and your policy number.

Please forward your complaint to:

Lloyd’s Underwriters
Attention: Complaints Officer
1155 rue Metcalfe, Suite 2220, Montréal (Québec) H3B 2V6
Tel: 1-877-455-6937Fax: (514) 861-0470

Your complaint will be directed to the appropriate business contact for handling. They will write to you within two business days to acknowledge receipt of your complaint and to let you know when you can expect a full response. If need be, we will also engage internal staff in Lloyd’s Policyholder and Market Assistance Department in London, England, who will respond directly to you, and in the last stages, they will issue a final letter of position on your complaint.

In the event that your concerns are still not addressed to your satisfaction, you have the right to continue your pursuit to have your complaint reviewed by the following organizations:

General Insurance OmbudService (GIO) assists in the resolution of conflicts between insurance customers and their insurance companies. The GIO can be reached at:

Toll free number: 1-877-225-0446

For Québec clients:

See Complaint Examination & Dispute Resolution Policy here.

Autorité des marchés financiers (AMF). The regulation of insurance companies in Québec is administered by the AMF. If you remain dissatisfied with the manner in which your complaint has been handled, or with the results of the complaint protocol, you may send your complaint to the AMF who will study your file and who may recommend mediation, if it deems this action appropriate and if both parties agree to it. The AMF can be reached at:

Toll Free: 1-877-525-0337
Québec: (418) 525-0337
Montréal: (514) 395-0311

If you have a complaint specifically about Lloyd’s Underwriters’ complaints handing procedures you may contact the Financial Consumer Agency of Canada (FCAC).

Financial Consumer Agency of Canada (FCAC) provides consumers with accurate and objective information about financial products and services, and informs Canadians of their rights and responsibilities when dealing with financial institutions. FCAC also ensures compliance with the federal consumer protection laws that apply to bank and federally incorporated trust, loan and insurance companies. The FCAC does not get involved in individual disputes. The FCAC can be reached at:

427 Laurier Avenue West, 6th Floor, Ottawa ON K1R 1B9

Service in English: 1-866-461-FCAC (3222)
Service in French: 1-866-461-ACFC (2232)

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