Check the details of your credit card’s benefits and exclusions on the following websites:
- insurance benefits provided by your credit card (Visa, MasterCard, American Express) allow you to face certain emergency situations such as an unforeseen illness* or an accident*, on condition that the claim does not entail major consequences. However, aggregate reimbursement limits may be far too low to cover your healthcare expenses in countries where medical costs are very high (e.g.: USA, Canada, China, etc.).
*Unforeseen illness: a sudden and unforeseeable deterioration of an insured member’s health, as certified by a medical practitioner, for which surgery or treatment are required and cannot be delayed until return or repatriation to the country of residence.
*Accident: any unintentional personal injury suffered by an insured member and arising exclusively from the sudden unexpected effects of an external cause (such as sprains, fractures, etc.).